How stress affects your hormones and what to do

How stress affects your hormones and what to do

— The link between sex hormones and stress hormones is complex and often misunderstood. Getting to the bottom of hormone-related issues can be tricky but understanding the relationship between sex and stress hormones is an important first step. There is no doubt that most people 

Eating High Fibre

Eating High Fibre

What is it?  Fibre is in the category of complex carbohydrates, but what makes fibre different is that it is not digestible. An INCREDIBLE food source, fibre is only available through plants including vegetables, fruit, grains and legumes.  There are 2 main types of fibre 

How to Get Your Kids to Eat Veggies

How to Get Your Kids to Eat Veggies

So here we are, you have had a long busy day, and now all you want is to have your kids eat their nutritious dinner, filled with veggies. An incredibly hard job it proves to be, and without the bribe of ‘no dessert’ or ‘no 

Breakfast for Champions

Breakfast for Champions

Do you struggle to fit breakfast into your hectic morning schedule? Or do you not feel like eating it, and see it as a chore?   Let me tell you that taking 15 minutes to eat breakfast is not going to hurt and will in 

What’s the deal with Carbs?

What’s the deal with Carbs?

Carbs! Such a scary word for so many people. Tell me, how many of you have wanted to lose a little bit of weight or ‘tone up’ and have cut so-called ‘carbs’ out of their diet? I know I have. It makes me so sad 

Lunchbox Monsters!

Lunchbox Monsters!

It pains me to say this, but most parents think they are giving their kids healthy snacks in their lunchbox. Though, in all honesty, the ingredients list in most of these products are filled with a gazillion types of different sugars, additives and preservatives, decreasing