Lunchbox Monsters!

Lunchbox Monsters!

It pains me to say this, but most parents think they are giving their kids healthy snacks in their lunchbox. Though, in all honesty, the ingredients list in most of these products are filled with a gazillion types of different sugars, additives and preservatives, decreasing your kid’s chances of being the best they can be. However, this is no fault of your own, it’s the clever sales techniques of so many major brands.


* The Australian Health Survey in 2011-2012, stated that the population of Australia were eating on average 14 TEASPOONS OF SUGAR A DAY, more than DOUBLE the recommended 6 teaspoons a day

Insulin is a sensitive hormone. It is released when we have eaten, to help use the glucose, by moving it around the body where energy is needed.


BUT when eating tonnes of packaged foods a day, our insulin becomes out of balance and therefore cannot control the blood sugar levels, causing insulin sensitivity and may further develop into insulin resistance. This is not an issue to be taken lightly, as it may eventually lead to Type 2 Diabetes (T2D).


* From 2002-03 till the 2011-2012 AIHW Survey, there have been 150 new cases each year, within the age group of 10-19 year olds, that have been diagnosed with T2D. *


This group of the population should not be developing these lifestyle related diseases so early in life.


Going through some common lunchbox snacks, you can find the not so healthy ingredients:


  1. Muesli bars


The good old muesli bars… What could be so wrong with some oats, fruit pieces, seeds and wholegrains, since they are all part of a healthy diet, right?

Its those sneaky little additives and sugars that are piled into these to make it taste artificially sweet and keep it on the shelves for an unrealistic amount of time.

In many of the popular brands, the ingredients I found were pretty concerning, and here we are putting them in our kids little bodies every day.


Plenty of sugars in disguise.
  • Sugar/sweeteners – glycerine, cane sugar, raw sugar, invert sugar, glucose solids, fructose, dextrose, sorbitol, glycerol, concentrated fruit juice.
  • Hydrogenated oils – soybean and palm
  • As much as I am an advocate for fats, these fats are the most dangerous you can find, hydrogenated means they are trans fats, which contribute to health issues, including high blood pressure, making more issues down the track.
  • Maltodextrin
  • High GI sweetener, causing blood sugar spikes and drops, not ideal for kids at school, who need stable blood sugar levels in order to focus at all times and keep them from an energy crash and mood swings.



  1. This yoghurt ‘packed with goodness’, is also packed with nearly 4 teaspoons of sugar!



  • Health claims use calcium as a persuasion technique as parents want their kids to have the healthiest bodies, and therefore have strong bones.
  • However many of these kid friendly yoghurts, have insane amounts of added sugars in them. ( I know I sound like a broken record, but could this excess use be a link somewhere in the health chain.



  1. Rice Snacks/Chips


  • High salt content, contributing to high blood pressure creating an environment for future development of chronic disease and issues (obesity, CVD).
  • High rice amount, making this snack high GI, a problem with energy crashes, it may be more beneficial to use brown rice with a lower GI and prevent blood sugar crashes.
  • Sweeteners in the seasonings, such as sugar and maltodextrin (see it is in everything, even the savoury items)



Fruit with none of the fibre and all of the sugar.

4.  Juice Poppers


  • It’s crazy how fruit juice is still considered healthy. It contains no fibre from the actual fruit and just squeezes all the sugar out. 5 TEASPOONS of sugar can be found in one little 200mL juice popper.








  • Own granola bars, oats, quinoa, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, cut up fruit, small drizzle of honey/rice malt syrup/maple syrup and bake.
  • Mixing plain yoghurt, with own frozen berries and cinnamon. (AMAZINGLY tasty)
  • Grilling veges in the oven with a little salt, pepper and different herbs and spices.
  • Protein bliss balls
  • Water!!


Fill majority of your trolley up in this section!



Have any other ideas for a healthy lunchbox? Share them below in the comments.

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