Breakfast for Champions

Breakfast for Champions

Do you struggle to fit breakfast into your hectic morning schedule? Or do you not feel like eating it, and see it as a chore?


Let me tell you that taking 15 minutes to eat breakfast is not going to hurt and will in fact allow you to work more efficiently through the day. So really you’re saving time… Right?


It can be hard to make sure all the chores are done in the morning, let alone fit in eating somewhere in between;

  • Kids up and dressed
  • Brushed teeth and shower
  • Packed bags
  • Packed lunches
  • Coffee?
  • And actually leaving the house between running back in after forgetting your keys and wallet.


However, I am going to tell you a little bit about why it is so necessary to eat breakfast…




After fasting overnight, your brain needs to get glucose to make it work efficiently. Eating breaky will give it the boost it needs to start the day. This doesn’t mean eating just straight carbohydrates to get the glucose, as spoken about in my previous post, the body can get it from protein and other sources of food.




It allows the blood sugar levels to stabilise throughout the day, instead of spiking and dropping too much. Unbalanced blood sugar will result in fatigue, brain fogginess and mood swings.


  • making sure you have protein and fat in the morning will stabilise the blood sugar levels, by allowing the glucose from food to be absorbed slower. (ideas below)




Breakfast kicks the metabolism into gear and gets everything going so you can digest an absorb nutrients more effectively.

Eating in the morning also allows the enzymes to get moving and help break down food well, instead of food just passing through the large intestine, with little nutrient absorption.



Lastly, it’s a good time to sit down with family, partner, friend or just yourself to have some down time before the business and rush of the day. It sets children into the habit of having breakfast, especially as they get older, and health is not seen as important, it allows them to start their day healthily.


In turn, this may help them choose the healthiest options for the day, as they are able to think straight with stable blood sugar levels.

Quick Breakfasts to try:
  • Overnight oats
  • Scrambled eggs, with mixed greens and avocado
  • Boiled eggs with wholegrain/very good quality bread
  • Mini frittatas
  • Smoothie (with one serving of fruit)
  • Fruit salad with plain greek/coconut yoghurt


Happy breakfasts!

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